Alt+A |
Call for procedure ajustments panel |
Alt+0...Alt+9 |
Назначение выделенным объектам атрибутов принадлежности к полю с номером, соответствующим цифре в команде |
Alt+B |
Switch on or off the background image in viewport |
Alt+BkSpace |
Добавление предыдущего выделения к текущему |
Alt+F12 |
Создание группы из выделенных объектов. Выделяются объекты последней выделенной операции. При отказе от
создания группы выделение сохраняется. При согласии на создание группы выделяется группа
Alt+F4 |
Exit Simplex |
Alt+F5 |
Switch on or off the watermark mode |
Alt+F7 |
Enabling / disabling the display of dummy objects in the algorithm implementation window |
Редактирование последнего введенного отношения |
Alt+G |
Switch on or off "grid" layer in viewport |
Alt+L |
Call for logic programing subsystem |
Alt+M |
Call for class methods ajustments panel |
Alt+N |
Calling the panel to create a new window for implementing the algorithm and associating the algorithm with
this window
Alt+O |
Call for object's values panel |
Alt+P |
Call for algorithm's program panel |
Alt+S |
Make independent object with current value |
Alt+Shift+номер |
Назначение выделенным объектам атрибутов принадлежности к полям с номерами, последовательно
увеличивающимися, начиная со значения цифры в команде, в порядке следования объектов в выделении
Вызов функции Точка в замене плоскостей проекций |
Ctrl+0 |
Restore background image of viewport to its origin position |
Ctrl+A |
Select all objects in algorithm |
Ctrl+Alt+A |
Select all objects visible in the layer |
Ctrl+Alt+B |
Binary field |
Ctrl+Alt+C |
Values input |
Ctrl+Alt+D |
Point is given with
center point and radius
Ctrl+Alt+F |
Вызов функции "Вывод в файл" |
Ctrl+Alt+F4 |
Масштабирование изображения, обеспечивающее отображение в окне всех точечных объектов активного слоя |
Ctrl+Alt+G |
Активизирование окна алгоритма Главный |
Ctrl+Alt+G |
Input logic value |
Ctrl+Alt+H |
Scale |
Ctrl+Alt+K |
Collineation |
Ctrl+Alt+O |
Point is given with two
Ctrl+Alt+P |
Point is given with
Ctrl+Alt+PgDn |
Выделение объектов вместе с их потомками |
Ctrl+Alt+PgUp |
Выделение объектов вместе с их предками |
Ctrl+Alt+S |
Spline |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+G |
Выделение группы, к которой принадлежит объект |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I |
Выделение точек, инцидентных предварительно выделенным объектам |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L |
Выделение объектов, не опосредовано связывающих предварительно выделенные объекты |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+P |
Формирование точки под текущим положением курсора и передача ее имени в поле активной диалоговой панели |
Ctrl+Alt+Shift+R |
Вызов диалогового окна репозитория |
Ctrl+Alt+W |
Вызов функции Ввод текста |
Ctrl+Alt+W |
Outline is given with
Ctrl+Alt+Y |
Conic is given with five points
Ctrl+Alt+Z |
Bezier curve |
Ctrl+B |
New class of objects creation
Ctrl+Down |
Shift backgound image of viewport one pixel down |
Ctrl+D |
Дублирование текущего алгоритма, если в окне нет выделенных объектов. Дублирование выделенного объекта, если
количество выделенных объектов равно единице
Ctrl+E |
Export data
Ctrl+F |
Call panel for search objects in viewport |
Ctrl+F2 |
Select objects together with objects that directly formed the objects selected at the moment (select
Ctrl+F3 |
Select all objects formed in the same relationship as the objects selected at the moment (select
Ctrl+I |
Import data
Ctrl+J |
Выделение по имени объекта (маске). Поиск осуществляется среди всех объектов алгоритма.
При вызове команды из меню с нажатой клавишей Shift выбор осуществляется среди объектов, инцидентным
предварительно выделенным объектам.
Ctrl+K+g |
Включение/выключение режима автоформирования группы |
Ctrl+K+o |
Построение прямых по последовательным парам точек |
Ctrl+K+p |
Построение цииклической последовательности точек пересечения пар прямых линий |
Ctrl+K+Q |
Построение проекционной модели квадрики |
Ctrl+L |
New algorithm creation
Ctrl+Left |
Shift backgound image of viewport one pixel to the left |
Ctrl+M |
Tile viewports |
Ctrl+N |
New project creation
Ctrl+O |
Reading the project from the information carrier
Ctrl+P |
Call for print subsystem |
Ctrl+PgDn |
Select the descendants of the selected objects |
Ctrl+PgUp |
Select the ancestors of the selected objects |
Ctrl+Q |
Forming a MathML record in the Clipboard about the functions that generate the selected objects |
Ctrl+R |
Rename objects in algorithm or rename algorithm (method) |
Ctrl+Right |
Shift backgound image of viewport one pixel to the right |
Ctrl+S |
Save project
Ctrl+Shift+D |
Перенос в новый алгоритм копии потомков, выделенных в текущем алгоритме объектов, вместе с ними. Выделенные
объекты назначаются входными параметрами образованного алгоритма
Ctrl+Shift+G |
Выделение компонента группы по его порядковому номеру в группе |
Ctrl+Shift+P |
Сохранение окна реализации алгоритма в виде растрового изображения на носитель информации |
Ctrl+Shift+Q |
Формирование в Clipboard MathML-записи об именах выделенных объектов |
Ctrl+Shift+T |
Индивидуальное/групповое тиражирование объектов |
Ctrl+Shift+С |
Включение/выключение режима автокопирования выделенных объектов |
Ctrl+Shift+F3 |
Select objects that are descendants of the previously selected objects |
Ctrl+Shift+G |
Select the contents of a group |
Ctrl+Shift+P |
Сохранение окна реализации алгоритма в виде растрового изображения на носитель информации |
Ctrl+Shift+Q |
Forming in the Clipboard a MathML record of the names of the selected objects |
Ctrl+U |
Call for surface adjusments panel |
Ctrl+Up |
Shift backgound image of viewport one pixel up |
Ctrl+Shift+Z |
Restore declined state of algorithm (Redo) |
Ctrl+Z |
Restore previous state of algorithm (Undo) |
F1 |
Call for Help system
F11 |
Call for panel to adjust system parameters of Simplex
F12 |
Switch on or off control substructers for object interactive manipulation
F2 |
Call for Dialog panel to assign object attributes |
F3 |
Zoom out
F4 |
Scaling of the image, providing the display in the window of all objects of the active layer
F5 |
Call for Dialog panel to switch on or off labels of objects ina viewport
F6 |
Call for panel to present the structure of algorithm
F7 |
Copy image of active viewport to Clipboard |
F9 |
Call for subsystem to translate geometry algoritm to Object Pascal language (Delphi)
PgDn |
Show next page of background image in viewport |
PgUp |
Show previous page of background image in viewport |
Shift+Ctrl+P* |
Save viewport image |
Shift+Del |
Delete statements of algorithm, that produce the list of selected objects |
Shift+F12 |
Show independant objects |
Shift+F3 |
Reducing the image scale in the algorithm implementation window |
Shift+F4 |
Scaling an image, which provides the display in the window of all selected objects of the active layer |
Shift+F5 |
Call for orientation labels panel |
Shift+F7 |
Calling the panel for processing a set of selected objects |
Shift+F8 |
Copy drawing or objects to CorelDraw! using Clipboard. |
Shift+P |
Load background image in viewport |
Shift+PgDn |
Redistribution of selected objects to the base of the selected layer |
Shift+PgUp |
Redistribution of selected objects to the top of the selected layer |
Key |
Selected previously |
Action |
After action selection |
@ |
Any selection |
Inversion of selection of objects in the visible layer |
Inverse Selection |
. |
Any selection |
Point under cursor |
Point is selected and is added to previous selection |
- |
Vector assigned with statement
Redirection of vector |
Same selection |
- |
Two values and/or dimensions |
Subtraction of the second value from the first
Final value is selected |
- |
Two vectors |
Subtraction of the second vector from the first
Final vector is selected |
- |
Two outlines. Circle could be used as outline also |
Subtraction of the second outline from the first
Final outline is selected |
- |
An arc, defined with statement
Changing the orientation of the arc by changing the sign of the first parameter to the opposite one and
redefining the order of the parameters of the function (second to third, third to second)
Same selection |
- |
Collineation, defined with
The definition of the Bezier curve with the opposite orientation due to the redefinition of the order of the
parameters of the function (1 by 4, 2 by 3, 3 by 2, 4 by 1)
Same selection |
- |
Collineation, defined with
Определение обратной коллинеации по отношению к выделенной за счет переопределения порядка параметров
функции (1 на 5, 2 на 6, 3 на 7, 4 на 8 и обратно)
- |
Outline, defined with statement
Change statement definition to
Same selection |
- |
Outline, defined with statement
Change statement definition to
Same selection |
- |
Outline, defined with statement
Change statement definition to
Same selection |
- |
Bezier curve, defined with statement
The definition of the Bezier curve with the opposite orientation due to the redefinition of the order of the
parameters of the function (1 by 4, 2 by 3, 3 by 2, 4 by 1)
Same selection |
- |
Circle, defined with statement
Change the orientation of the circle by changing the sign of the second parameter to the opposite |
Same selection |
- |
Circle, defined with statement
Changing the orientation of the circle by changing the sign of the third parameter to the opposite |
Same selection |
- |
Circle, defined with statement
Change the orientation of the circle by changing the sign of the second parameter to the opposite |
Same selection |
- |
Circle, defined with statement
Change the orientation of the circle by changing the sign of the second parameter to the opposite |
Same selection |
- |
Circle, defined with statement
Change the orientation of the circle by changing the sign of the second parameter to the opposite |
Same selection |
- |
Projectivity, defined with
Definition of the inverse projector in relation to the parameters of the function (1 for 5, 2 for 6, 3 for
7, 4 for 8 selected by redefinition), and vice versa)
Same selection |
- |
Line, defined with statement
The reorientation of the straight line due to the redefinition of the order of the parameters of the
function (1 by 3, 2 by 4, 3 by 1, 4 by 2)
Same selection |
- |
Line, defined with statement
Reorientation of the straight line due to redefinition of the order of the parameters of the function (1 by
2, 2 by 1)
Same selection |
- |
Line, defined with statement
The definition of an alternative straight line that conjugates a circle by redefining the order of the
parameters of the function (1 by 2, 2 by 1)
Same selection |
- |
Line, defined with statement
Redefinition of the order of formation of bisectors by redefinition of the order of the parameters of the
function (1 by 2, 2 by 1)
Same selection |
- |
Line, defined with statement
Change the orientation of the straight line by changing the sign of the first parameter to the opposite |
Same selection |
- |
Line, defined with statement
Change the geometric location of an equidistant straight line (circle) by changing the sign of the second
parameter to the opposite
Same selection |
- |
Line, defined with statement
The change in the slope of the straight line due to a change in the sign of the second parameter to the
Same selection |
- |
Dimension, defined with
The change in the basic extension line with respect to which an interactive "reverse" change in dimensional
dependencies is carried out by redefining the order of the parameters of the function (1 by 2, 2 by 1)
Same selection |
- |
Dimension, defined with statement |
The change of the basic extension line, relative to which the interactive "reverse" change of dimensional
dependencies is carried out due to redefinition of the order of the parameters of the function (1 by 2, 2 by
Same selection |
- |
Point, defined with statement
Change the direction to the point by changing the sign of the second parameter to the opposite |
Same selection |
- |
Инволюция, определенная функцией
Изменение инволюции за счет переопределения порядка параметров функции (3 на 4, 4 на 3) |
Выделение сохраняется |
- |
Прямая и точка |
Объект минус первой размерности |
Выделяется объект минус первой размерности |
- |
Две точки |
Объект минус второй размерности |
Выделяется объект минус второй размерности |
- |
Объекты, последний - набор данных |
Удаление выделенных объектов из набора данных |
Выделение снимается |
* |
Величина |
Перемножаются выделенная
величина и величина, вводимая в всплывающем диалоговом окне
Выделяется результат |
* |
Two values or vectors |
The product of the quantities
The value of the product |
/ |
Величина |
Выделенная величина делится на
величину, вводимую во всплывающем диалоговом окне
Выделяется результат |
/ |
Two values or dimensions |
Division of the quantities |
The value of the quotient |
/ |
Все выделенные объекты - наборы данных |
Удаление из всех наборов данных объектов, общих хотя бы для двух наборов |
Удаление из всех наборов данных объектов, общих хотя бы для двух наборов. |
/ |
Два контура или окружности |
Симметрическая разность двух
Выделяется контур результата |
\ |
Individual transfer objects to "trash" layer |
Selection persists in the "trash" layer |
| |
Objects |
Transfer objects to "trash" layer |
Selection persists in the "trash" layer |
! |
Объекты |
Назначение объекту атрибута противоположно направленной линии |
Выделение сохраняется |
~ |
Attribute of infinity, assigned to linear object |
Selection persists |
` |
Два объекта |
Назначение связи между двумя объектами |
Выделяется объект-связь |
' |
Произвольное выделение |
Циклический сдвиг влево списка выделенных объектов (первый выделенный объект становится последним) |
Сохраняется выделение с учетом сдвига |
+ |
Величина |
Сложение с величиной,
вводимой во всплывающем диалоговом окне
Выделяется результат |
+ |
Two values or dimensions |
The summ of values
The amount of the sum is selected |
+ |
Two vectors
The summ of vectors |
The vector of the sum is selected |
+ |
One or more outlines. Circle could be applied also |
Union of outlines |
Resulting outline is selected |
+ |
Объекты, последний - набор данных |
Добавление выделенных объектов к набору данных |
Выделение снимается |
^ |
Прямая или коника |
Построение бесконечно
удаленной точки на прямой или двух бесконечно удаленных точек на конике
Выделяется бесконечно удаленная точка (точки) |
= |
Objects |
Making free copies of selected objects:
For values - ![](/simplex/FUNCTIONS/C0/C0.png)
For lines - ![](/simplex/FUNCTIONS/O2/O2.png)
For circles - ![](/simplex/FUNCTIONS/D00/D00.png)
For conics - ![](/simplex/FUNCTIONS/Y00/Y00.png)
For collineations - ![](/simplex/FUNCTIONS/K00/K00.png)
For Bezier curves - ![](/simplex/FUNCTIONS/Z00/Z00.png)
For splines - ![](/simplex/FUNCTIONS/S00/S00.png)
If the number of selected objects exceeds one, then in addition to generating relations for copies of
objects, a group description relation is formed, into which the formed copy objects are included
Same selection |
= |
Набор данных |
Выделение объектов и состава набора данных |
Выделяются объекты из набора данных |
? |
Группа |
Выделение объектов, входящих в состав группы |
Выделяются компоненты группы, выделение с группы снимается |
" |
Любые объекты |
Циклически изменить порядок объектов выделения (последний в конец) |
Выделение не изменяется |
: |
Режим переопределения |
& |
Определить связь между объектами |
Циклически изменить порядок объектов выделения (последний в начало) |
^ |
Прямая |
Бесконечно удаленная
точка на прямой
Выделяется точка |
^ |
Точка, принадлежащая прямой |
Преобразование точки в бесконечно удаленную точку на прямой
Выделяется точка |
^ |
Коника |
Точки пересечения коники с бесконечно удаленной прямой |
Выделяются точки |
< |
Величина |
Формирование стартового значения изменяемой переменной для окна создания видеопоследовательностей, равного
текущему значению выделенной величины
> |
Величина |
Формирование финишного значения изменяемой переменной для окна создания видеопоследовательностей, равного
текущему значению выделенной величины
' |
Объект |
Циклический сдвиг списка объектов выделения влево для изменения их порядка следования. Первый элемент списка
перемещается в его конец
Выделение сохраняется |
0 |
Assigning a boundedness attribute to an object |
Same selection |
1 |
Linear object's width is 1 |
Same selection |
2 |
Linear object's width is 2 |
Same selection |
3 |
Linear object's width is 3 |
Same selection |
4 |
Linear object's width is 4 |
Same selection |
5 |
Linear object's width is 5 |
Same selection |
8 |
Assigning an Incident Line Attribute to an Object |
Same selection |
9 |
Объект |
Назначение объекту атрибута "короткой инцидентностной" линии |
Выделение сохраняется |
a |
Объект |
Переключение между простым и множественным согласованием в функции выделенного объекта |
Выделение сохраняется |
A |
Объект |
Переключение между простым и неполным множественным согласованием в функции выделенного
Выделение сохраняется |
b, B |
Four points |
Bezier curve
The selection of vertices is removed |
b, B |
One point |
+ + + The construction
of the Bezier curve in the form of a straight line segment with the addition of two control points located
in the region of the segment. As the second point of the segment, the point generated under the current
cursor position
The point created under the cursor is left selected |
b, B |
Two points |
+ + + The construction of the
Bezier curve in the form of a straight line segment with the addition of two control points located in the
region of the segment
The last of the initially selected points remains selected |
b, B |
Line cut |
Line cut transformation to Bezier curve with assignment of control points
Same selection |
с |
No selection |
Enter a free value whose value is equal to the X-coordinate of the cursor position |
No selection |
с, С |
A point and a linear object incident with it |
Calculating the Parameter of a
Point on an Object
No selection |
c, C |
Two points |
Construction of the center of
symmetry of two points
Resulting point is selected |
No selection |
The value, numerically equal to
the distance from the center of coordinates to the point of the current position of the cursor
No selection |
C |
Arc of a circle |
Finding the middle of the
The points are selected, the selection of the original object is removed |
c |
Отрезок или окружность, или коника, инволюция
Нахождение точки центра линейного объекта (инволюции)
Выделяются полученные точки, выделение исходного объекта снимается
c |
Контур |
Нахождение точки центра
габаритного прямоугольника, описанного около контура
Выделяются полученные точки, выделение исходного объекта снимается
c, C |
Line cut or circle, or conic
The center point of linear
object definition
Resulting points are selected |
c, C |
Point and linear object |
Determining the position
parameter of a point on a linear object
The selection from the original objects is removed |
C |
A piece of line or circle or conic |
Finding the middle of a linear
object (parameter value 0.5)
A point is selected |
c, C |
Imaginary point |
Construction of a complex
conjugate point
A point is selected |
d |
Two points
Circle, given with three points
The selection of vertices is removed |
d |
No selection
Circle with center under cursor position with radius, equal 100 units |
No selection |
D |
Two points
Circle, passing two diameter
The selection of vertices is removed |
D |
No selection
+ Construct a circle with a
radius of 100 and its center - points below the current cursor position
No selection |
d, D |
Value |
Circle with the center at the
point with the current cursor position and the radius equal to the value of the selected value
Same selection |
d, D |
Diameter dimension |
The selection of the circle is removed |
d, D |
The construction of a circle
defined by a center with a radius determined by the distance between the current cursor position and the
selected point
Same selection |
d |
Point, circle |
Circle, given with center
point and radius of selected circle
Resulting circle is selected |
d |
Points, last object is value |
Circle, given with center point
and radius of selected value
Resulting circles are selected |
D |
Points, last object is value |
Circle, given with center point
and diameter of selected value
Resulting circles are selected |
d |
Values, last object is point |
The construction of circles
defined by the center and radii equal to the values of the quantities
Resulting circles are selected |
D |
Values, last object is point |
The construction of circles
defined by the center and diameters equal to the values of the quantities
Resulting circles are selected |
g, G |
Three points
Circle, passing three
The selection of vertices is removed |
d |
Three lines |
inscribed in triangle
Resulting circle is selected |
D |
Three lines |
The triangle
circumscribed in the triangle
Resulting circle is selected |
d, D |
Three circles |
Circle tangent to three
Resulting circle is selected |
e |
Three lines |
Euler's circle
Resulting circle is selected |
f, F |
Conic |
The construction of foci
and directrix of conic
Selection of the conic is removed |
h |
Two points |
Horizontal dimension line with
positioning point set by the current cursor position
Same selection |
h |
No selection
Horisontal line, passing current
cursor position
No selection |
h |
Points |
Horizontal lines, passing
selected points
Resulting lines are selected |
H |
No selection
+ + The horizontal line, defined by
the current cursor position, with two points on it
No selection |
h |
Outline |
Outline hatching angle 45 degrees, step 10 units
No selection |
H |
Outline |
Outline hatching angle 30 degrees, step 10 units
No selection |
h, H |
Three lines |
The construction
of the heights of a triangle formed by three lines
Highlighted |
i |
Any objects. The last one is circle or conic |
Building images of selected objects with a function In the inversion transformation defined by the last selected
circle or conic
Select objects for conversion |
I |
Any objects. Two last ones are conics and/or circles |
Building images of selected objects with a function in the transformation of the quadratic involution defined by
the last two distinguished conics
Select objects for conversion |
k, K |
No selection
+ + + The construction of a
point and a bundle consisting of three lines and drawn through it
No selection |
k, K |
+ + The construction a
bundle of lines consisting of three lines and drawn through a distinguished point
Clear selection |
k, K |
Eight points |
Collineation , given with
four pairs of points: 1-5, 2-6, 3-7, 4-8
Resulting collineation is selected |
l |
Two points |
Distance between two points |
Clear selection |
l, L |
Objects |
Length of object |
Resulting value is selected |
L |
Two points |
The construction of an
inclined dimension line on two points drawn through a point under the current cursor position
Resulting dimension is selected |
m, M |
The construction of the set of
points belonging to the object, with the membership parameter [0 ~ 1 ~ 12]; matching multiple
Resulting points are selected |
o |
Line |
Line, passing current
cursor position, and parallel to selected line
Same selection |
o |
Point (set) |
The construction of a broken
line passing through a set of points according to the rule of shear matching
Same selection |
o |
Point and line
The construction of a
perpendicular dropped from a point to a straight line
Selecting objects is removed |
O |
Line |
Construction of straight
lines parallel to the selected straight line; the relative position of the straight lines being constructed
is given by the current cursor position
Same selection |
O |
Point (set) |
The construction of a closed
polygonal line passing through a set of points according to the cyclic shift matching rule
Same selection |
O |
Point and line |
The construction of a
straight line passing through a point and parallel to a given line
Selecting objects is removed |
o, O |
Two circles
Lines, tangent to two
Resulting lines are selected |
o, O |
Two lines
Construction of bisectors
of angles formed by two straight lines
The selection of the original lines is removed |
o, O |
Two points
The construction of a
straight line drawn through two points
Resulting line is selected |
o, O |
Point (single)
The construction of a straight
line drawn at an angle to the axis OX and passing through the selected point; angle is determined by the
current cursor position
Same selection |
o, O |
Point and conic
Lines, passing selected
point, and tangent to selected conic
Resulting lines are selected |
o, O |
Point and circle
+ Lines, passing selected
point, and tangent to selected circle
Resulting lines are selected |
o, O |
Bezier curve |
The transformation of the Bezier curve into a straight line segment given by the boundary points of the
The selection of the converted object is preserved |
p |
Two objects
, , , , Objects crossing
Resulting points are selected |
P |
Line |
Point under current
cursor position, eliminated with one border line
Resulting point is selected |
P |
Two lines |
Point under current
cursor position, eliminated with two border lines
Resulting point is selected |
p, P |
No selection
Point under current
cursor position
No selection |
p |
Line cut |
+ Edge points of line cut
Constructed points, the selection of the segment is removed |
P |
Line cut (line)
+ The construction of
points located on a straight line
Constructed points, the selection of the segment is removed |
p, P |
The construction of a
point defined with respect to the selected point, with the coordinate increments determined by the current
cursor position
Same selection |
p, P |
Points and line
Orto projection of
selected point to selected line
Point-projections are allocated, the selection of the original objects is removed |
q, Q |
No selection |
The construction of a rectangular contour corresponding to the dimensions and position of the last specified
selection frame: + + + + + + + +![](/simplex/FUNCTIONS/W0/W0.png) |
It is possible to select objects with a frame |
q, Q |
Point |
Constructing a rectangular contour based on the center point of the selection. In case the point does not
belong to any object, the sides of the rectangle are parallel to the axes Ox and Oy of the coordinate
system. If the selection point belongs to an object, then the sides of the rectangle are oriented parallel
to the normal and tangent to the object drawn through this point.
Resulting outline is selected |
r, R |
Two circles
Radical axis of two selected
The selection of circles is removed |
r, R |
Radial dimension |
The selection of the circle is removed |
r, R |
Three circles |
Radical center of three circles |
Resulting point is selected |
s, S |
Set of points |
passing set of points
The selection of vertices is removed |
t |
Three or more points |
The construction of a polygon on the set of distinguished vertices |
The lines-sides of the polygon are selected |
T |
Three or more points |
The construction of lines on the set of all possible pairs of points |
Resulting lines are selected |
v |
Two points
Building a vertical dimension
line with a positioning point set by the current cursor position
Same selection |
v |
No selection
Vertical line, passing current
cursor position
No selection |
v |
Vertical lines, passing selected
Resulting lines are selected |
V |
No selection
+ + The construction of a vertical
line, determined by the current position of the cursor, with two points on it
No selection |
w |
Ограниченный линейный объект |
An attempt to construct a
contour from a set of adjacent linear objects
Any selection is annuled |
W |
Ограниченный линейный объект |
Constructing a path consisting
of a single selected object
Any selection is annuled |
w, W |
Outline |
Constructing a contour that is equidistant to the original selected contour, with function , the outline of which
passes through the point corresponding to the current cursor position
Resulting outline is selected |
x, X |
Any objects. The last is line
The construction of images of
selected objects in the axial symmetry determined by the last selected object
Selection of source objects is removed |
x, X |
Any objects. The last is point
The construction of images of
selected objects in the central symmetry determined by the last selected object
Selection of source objects is removed |
x, X |
Any objects. The last is vector |
Constructing images of selected
objects in the parallel transport transformation defined by the last selected object
Selection of source objects is removed |
x, X |
Any objects. The last is collineation |
Building images of selected
objects in the collinear transformation defined by the last selected object
Selection of source objects is removed |
y, Y |
No selection |
+ + + + + Entering a predefined conic, built on five points and suitable for
further modification
Resulting conic is selected |
y, Y |
Five points |
Conic is given with five points
Resulting conic is selected |
z, Z |
The conic (ellipse) |
+ The construction of a
point corresponding to the center of the selected conic-ellipse, and the construction of the principal
diameters of the ellipse - its axes
z, Z |
No selection
+ + Построение точки с
координатами 0, 0 и прямых (осей - вертикальной и горизонтальной), проведенных через нее
Same selection |
z, Z |
Circle |
+ + + + The construction of a point corresponding to the center of the
selected circle and the straight lines (the axes - vertical and horizontal) drawn through this point, as
well as the points of intersection of the axes with the circle
The selection of the circle is removed |
z, Z |
+ Building pairs of objects
consisting of vertical and horizontal lines and drawn through each of the selected points
Same selection |
space key |
Any selection |
Switching modes of dynamic editing and selection |
BackSpace |
Any selection |
Resore previous selection |
Ctrl+Backspace |
Any selection |
Resore previous selection with cycle shifting of selection list's items |