Project Contents

Every Visual TFT project consist of several files containing necessary code and information for proper project functioning.

In general, every project can be divided into two parts, Visual TFT Part and Code Part.

Visual TFT Part

Contains the Visual TFT project file, with the .vtft extension. It is consisted of information on the used hardware, compiler, objects, etc. that are included in the project.

Code Part

Contains the following :

Compiler Project File

This file contains information needed for successful project compilation process. It organizes source code files, resources, and settings used to build a project.

Main File

This is the main source file in the compiler project. It will be created only when first code generation is executed. After that, if this file already exists, code generation will not affect it.

Events Code File

This file contains TouchPanel events code. If you want to write your own routines in this file, you should place them in the User Code section :

mikroC Code

//--------------------- User code ---------------------//

//----------------- End of User code ------------------//

mikroPascal Code

//-------------- User code declarations ---------------//

//----------- End of User code declarations -----------//


//--------------------- User code ---------------------//

//----------------- End of User code ------------------//

mikroBasic Code

'-------------- User code declarations ---------------'

'----------- End of User code declarations -----------'


'--------------------- User code ---------------------'

'----------------- End of User code ------------------'

Driver File

In the Driver file all initializations and low-level routines are placed. It contains display, TouchPanel and objects initialization.
Also, it contains routine definitions for drawing objects and procedures for processing TouchPanel activity. Bitmaps used in the project are also stored in this file.

Objects File

This file contains object stuctures for the used objects.

Resource File

This file contains used images and fonts.

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