Simple matching of parameters is a way of comparing two or more sets of elements, in which the elements of sets correspond to each other according to the principle of equality of their ordinal numbers (first-first, second-second, etc.). If the number of elements in the matched sets is different, then the match is established by the set having the minimum number of elements. In the relationship building panels, a simple alignment is selected by setting the radio button in the "Negotiating parameters" section opposite the name "Simple". In the symbolic description field of combined types of matching, simple matching is denoted by the number 0. Equivalent record of simple matching in symbolic form: no (N1, N2) - (if the function is two-argument); no (N1, N2, N3) - (three-argument function), etc. The values of N1, N2, etc. the ordinal numbers of the parameters in the function are denoted. If the entered number of numbered indexes does not correspond to the number of function parameters, the system will issue a syntax error warning in the description expression of the type of parameter negotiation. If, during the formation of the relationship, the system detects that all input parameters contain the same number of elements, then the selection selector of the matching type in the relationship formation bar is automatically set to the "Simple" position.