Multiple parameters matching

Multiple parameters matching is a way of comparing two sets of elements, in which each element of the first set is associated with all the elements of the second set. In the relationship building panels, simple matching is selected by setting the radio button in the "Negotiating parameters" section opposite the "Multiple" name. In the field of symbolic description of combined types of matching, simple matching is denoted by 1. Equivalent record of simple matching in symbolic form: mu (N1, N2). N1 and N2 denote the sequence numbers of the parameters in the function. When specifying a designation of the type mu (N2, N1), each element of the second set is associated with all the elements of the first. Thus, the number of elements formed as a result of the coordination will be equal to the product of the number of elements in both sets, and the order of formation will depend on the order of indicating the parameter numbers in the symbolic designation of multiple matching. Most often in the practice of geometric modeling, private species of multiple matching of the form one to many and many to one are used. If, in the formation of a two-argument relationship, the system detects that the input parameters contain a different number of elements, then the selection selector of the matching type in the relationship formation bar is automatically set to the "Multiple" position.